I don't know if there'll be snow but have a cup of cheer! Have a Holly Jolly Christmas....
Saturday, December 12, 2009
...It's the Best Time of the Year!
Posted by
4:34 PM
Friday, December 11, 2009
Quick catch up
So you know when you let your blog go so long that you feel there is no possible way to catch it up? Well that is me now.... I have felt so busy lately, that happens to all of us I know, especially around the holidays, and I have this weakness, I hate to blog without a picture. So here I am without a picture to post because although I have been taking and editing pictures like crazy lately, I haven't taken one of my boys in the last month... or of anything going on in our life.
Posted by
2:01 PM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Check it Out... :)
Check out my photography blog and leave me a comment to be entered in my Giveaway! :)
Posted by
11:55 AM
Friday, October 30, 2009
How long do you think it will last....
Posted by
9:47 PM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Corn Maze & sNoW...

Posted by
4:34 PM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I am so blessed
I have been thinking about this all day, and really wanted to get on and say so... These past couple of weeks haven't been my all time favorite. (Easy way to put it right...lol) But, I really wanted to get on and say that today I just felt overwhelmingly blessed... No particular reason, just looked around, and then the song came into my head "Count your many blessing name them one by one..." I can't believe how much my Heavenly Father has given me. I am truly truly blessed.
Then later I was thinking about how I got the top #1 husband of all, and how I felt bad for everyone else who didn't get him... and that chorus popped into my head "All you single ladies.. all you single ladies..." I don't know any more of the words than that, just thinking poor single ladies, I got the best one... Sorry. :)
Posted by
9:09 PM
Friday, October 16, 2009
You are such a JOY!!
Easton: Mom where did Santa get his elves?
Me: I don't know, that is a good question... (this is what I say when I have no idea what to say... lol)
Easton: Can he make them, or did someone give them to him...
Me: ummm.... I have no idea... lol...
Easton comes up stairs comes over to me, turns around, turns towards me, starts smiling, turns back around...
Me: What are you trying to do?
Easton: I can't do it....
Me: Are you trying to be serious.
Easton: For what?
Me: Are you trying to be serious.
Easton: For what?
Me: Are you trying not to smile...?
Easton: (with a really mischievous smile)... Mom come out side, there is someone out there waiting for you... They bought you a really beautiful couch....
Me: Lol... you are teasing me....
Easton: (Busts up laughing) I am teasing you....
Easton: Mom are we real, or do we live in a T.V.?
Me: (pretty blown away by how intuitive this question is....) No we are real...
I need to write down the things he says a lot more... He struggles in school with his ABC's, but his teacher said he is on a higher level of (now the word eludes me) questioning... analyzing... does anyone know the word.. When they read stories he really analyzes them, and has a lot of questions. Well anyway... you know what I mean right? It shows too... he asks me questions everyday, all day long... Ones that I have no answers for. Poor kid, I know he must think I am not very smart.
Love you Easton, you are such a JOY!!
Awwwe... I had to come back and add it... I think it is deductive reasoning?? Is that right?
Posted by
6:22 PM
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Yesterday morning after Easton went to school, Lilo was out in the yard barking at a couple of the neighbors dogs. Piko heard her barking, and went out, (Lilo is the boss, Piko is her protector, Piko also thinks he is a lot bigger than he actually is) He ran out into the yard, to chase them out, and got attacked. I feel terrible, every time I think about it, the images of him being thrown around come back, it makes me so sick. I was upstairs screaming from the window, I ran down the stairs, out the door, barefoot across the yard, and down the road chasing them screaming. Piko ran into the house yelping, while I was chasing the dogs, and hid. It took me about five minutes to find him, I knew that when dogs are really hurt they will go somewhere to be alone and die, and that is all I could think of. I finally found him under our bed, but couldn't get him out, I moved the mattress, but couldn't move the box springs... I called my friend who lives down the road, she owns a dog grooming shop, and is seriously amazing with animals. I could barely talk because I was sobbing, and out of breath from everything, (I don't handle crisis situations very well, that is one talent I truly wish I had). My friend was out of town though, in Salt Lake actually for her dog. She told me to call a guy here in T-town that is a vet, she said he will take such good care of Piko. She wasn't kidding. I called him, I am embarrassed now at how I probably sounded, but he was so kind, told me what to do, and to bring him right over. I called and called and called Piko, finally he came running out from under the bed, and ran for the laundry room, I trapped him picked him up in a towel, grabbed Ian, and went to the vet's house. The vet was so kind, met me outside, took Piko from me, took him inside and looked at him for a minute. He came back out and explained all of the injuries that he could see, and what he was going to do. He ran a practice in California, and just a year ago moved here, so he still has a lot of the equipment. They put him under, and did surgery on him, he had a couple really big lacerations, one over his liver, but luckily it didn't puncture, they are worried about bruising on it though, his right shoulder was torn open, and the skin was completely lifted off, same with his lower right side. His neck muscle had a 3/4" tear in it from the dogs k9 teeth, they had to suture that internally, and then they sutured up the remaining lacerations, and punctures, leaving openings for it to seep. I can't tell you how blessed I feel for them living so close, and being so willing to help, they sent us home with a cage, heat pad, food, water dish towel, ect. I also feel so blessed that he wasn't killed. His injuries are life threatening, the vet sent us home with strict instructions on what to watch for, meds to give him several times a day, and a syringe to force food and water into him, but I really think he will pull through. He seems to be doing okay this morning, he will lick water off of my finger, and we got his medicine in him. He wags his tail a little when we walk in the room and talk to him. We packed him outside this morning and set him down to see if he would use the bathroom, and he peed!!! Easton started sobbing when he saw him last night, it broke my heart all over again. We talked, and I told him that it would be okay, that the vet fixed Piko up really good, he asked a lot of questions, once I answered all of them, I think he felt better. But when we told him it was bed time and to tell Piko good night you could see the tears well up in his eyes. I am glad he has such a big heart. Piko is all wrapped up right now in bandages that say ouch in all different languages all over, but here are a few pictures.
Posted by
11:29 AM
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Posted by
4:14 PM
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mine-a Blelly

Posted by
11:12 AM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Because She Likes Me...
So when I went to pick Easton up from school today, he came walking out holding a girls hand..... I was a little bit shocked, I haven't ever even seen this girl before. So a little while after we got home, I asked him about it...
Posted by
2:03 PM
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Easton's 1st day of Kindergarten

Posted by
5:47 PM
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
So I'll always remember
My Grandma loved old music, my Grandpa asked for this song to be sung at her funeral. It was beautiful. I had never heard it in that version before, it is so sweet and beautiful, I can't believe it was ever changed. I always want to remember the way I felt watching as this was sung, knowing the words were truly being sung right from my Grandpa's heart. We love you Grandma and Grandpa. What a legacy you have both led.
Posted by
9:46 AM
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Dancing in Heaven
My Grandma Merkley passed away about an hour ago... She has been sick for quite a while, and had quite a few surgeries in the past month. When I got off the phone with my mom, all I could picture in my mind was her running and dancing in Heaven. What an amazing reunion she is having. Grandma, I always looked up to you. In my eyes, you were always perfect. I am pretty sure to everyone you knew you were always perfect. Today this world lost an amazing woman, and for that I am sad. But for you, I am so happy! Love you SOOO much Grandma, you are truly an amazing woman we will miss you so much.
Posted by
7:34 AM
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I love the rain!!

Posted by
5:11 PM
Monday, August 10, 2009
We went fishing today at a place in Tridell, we only caught one fish, and one toad. But we still had fun. Here are a few pictures.
Posted by
3:31 PM
Friday, July 31, 2009

Posted by
1:58 PM
Labels: http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc183/kristinesimmons/sunset.jpg
Monday, July 20, 2009
Off to Girls Camp
Wish me luck :) I am actually a tad bit nervous... I haven't ever left Ian, and I have only left Easton this long one other time... When I went to Kentucky to visit Greg & Janice.
Posted by
5:34 AM
Monday, July 6, 2009
Moments in a "mans" life...

Posted by
9:53 PM
Thank You!
This post is a little late, but I wanted to express a few feelings that I had this past weekend. I have been thinking a lot lately about our freedom. How grateful I am to live in this beautiful amazing country. To be blessed with freedom from our Heavenly Father, and for all of the men and women who sacrifice their lives, families, freedoms, and so much more for us. I wanted to give a big giant salute to all of you, ~THANK YOU~!
Posted by
2:35 PM
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Ian

Posted by
10:26 PM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I can dream right....

Posted by
10:25 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
Magic Crayons

Easton: Mom why are my eyes green?

Posted by
3:12 PM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Bringing home a baby Bumblebee...
I found this bumblebee on my kitchen floor... How did it get there? Good question! When I found it I could tell it wasn't right, so I put a glass jar over it, and packed it outside so I could do what....? Of course, you know me take a picture of it.
Posted by
10:35 PM
Sunday, May 31, 2009
TOADally awesome week!
You know we had a "picture perfect" week. I loved every moment of it, and wish we could live it over and over again, forever.
We have amazing neighbors, Easton loves watching them. I think he has a little crush on their youngest daughter. Who by the way is about eight years older than him. ;) They have an arena, five horses, and ride about every day. He was ecstatic when their mom asked if he could ride one. Watching him I couldn't believe how big he was. He didn't look like a little boy anymore. He got to ride all by himself, without someone leading him. I thought Court was going to have a heart attack.
The next day I was raking the garden to get ready to plant, and the boys played in grandpa's irrigation ditch for hours. I wanted to take pictures so bad, but didn't dare leave Ian in the water to go get my camera. I realized watching them how grateful I am for the opportunity I have to raise my children out here. I remember playing in ditches, running through fields, climbing mountains, and I am so glad they will have those same experiences.
Yesterday was Easton's first T-Ball game, again I was shocked by how "grown-up" he is. How can time go by so fast?
And boys will be boys right? So here is the newest member of our gang, Easton named him Toadally... Pretty creative for a four year old I think.. And Ian's first kiss, ewwww!
Posted by
9:54 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Easton and I went to Lagoon for Court's sisters dance competion a few weeks ago. It was so much fun, we went with Court's mom, sister Delsi, and her kids Brynlie, Kobe and Kenadee. Easton loved it, he keeps saying, "I want to take Ian to Magoon."

Posted by
1:26 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I'm trying to find a wizard
Me: There's one Easton!
Me: There's another one...
After Daddy finally caught him one...

Yes it is very real... So real infact that it learned how to escape from it's cage, and we spent an hour searching the house for it. There was no way I was going to even try to sleep with it loose. I don't like to keep wild animals captured, so I convinced Easton that it really misses its Mommy and Daddy. Tomorrow we plan to release it back into "the wild," until then, there is a piece of tape securing the lid down. :)
Posted by
9:57 PM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Enjoying the sun...

Posted by
10:45 PM