I have been waiting, and waiting for a lightening and thunderstorm, so that I could take my camera out, and try and catch a lightening bolt. There was an awesome storm a couple of weeks ago, and I missed it. My sister, Mom, and I actually saw it from our car on the way back from SLC. I was so disappointed! So you can imagine how excited I was the other night, when Court, the kids and I were driving home, and saw a lightening storm out towards the mountains. So we hurried, got the kids in bed, then I grabbed my camera and tripod and out I went. It took me a while to figure out the settings the way I wanted to get the kind of picture I was looking for. Not only that, but I would wait and wait and wait in one spot and the lightening would all be over on the other side. So I would turn my camera, then they would move back, lol. I did get one that I really like though... :)

Awesome pictures...
holy crap... that first one is awesome. Love em.
Beautiful again!
The rainbow one remind me of your painting from high school...lol remember that?
Awesome! The lightning one is so cool!
Those are some amazing pictures! I agree I love the rain!!!
Lightening shots are SOO hard to capture, you rocked it, that is awesome!!! holy cow!! Do you live in SLC?
You are so gifted! The lightning storm is awesome!! You should send into one of the news channel's.
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