So I was looking at Tari's blog this morning, and she had this test on there. When she took it, it told her she was 33 I think? Well when I took it, dun da da duuuun.... It said I was 26... I just thought it was funny that it guessed my exact age :) I am not sure it is a good thing or not though. So now I will be really embarrassed if all of you take it and you are thirty something too, like Tari.
You Act Like You Are 26 Years Old |
![]() You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up. The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them. |
Ian was so sick last night, we didn't finally get him to sleep until after two, then he woke up around six (I think, I can't quite remember, I think I was half asleep or full asleep while I was feeding him). I have never seen him act this way, crying and crying, then screaming... I would finally get him to sleep, move a tiny bit, and he would start to scream. I got fully dressed to take him to the emergency room, and while I was dressing, he fell asleep on Courts chest. Anyway, we swapped him, and finally made it back to bed with him in between us. I hate it when your kids are sick, and you don't know what to do! I made an app. with the pediatrician this morning, so we will see, sounds weird but I really hope they can find something, sore throat, ear infection etc. If they don't I think I will worry more, because I know something was wrong, he wasn't just fussy, you could tell he just hurt! One more thing though, I thought was funny, my sister called me last night (who doesn't have a blog) and said I have a whole bunch of computer nerds for a family, man here I go to work and you guys are all playing on the computer. It was really funny, so will give a shout out to Rusty, hard at work, while the rest of us play at our computers ;)
I'm so sorry he's sick. I can tell you firsthand that there is NOTHING worse than sick kids, except for maybe morning sickness. Hope he gets better.
I want to give Rusty a shout out too. I love her....
Sorry Ian was so sick last night, never fun.
Hey Kristi I found your page off of Megans. Its very cute and your boys are adorable! I took your age test and it said I was 26, its pretty smart.:) Abby Barker
Hey girl, I'm sorry Ian was sick :(
I'm like the oldest one of the bunch! That sucks. Randy took it and it said he was 34 so at least he's older than me.
I think I am the oldest of you all and I scored "You act like you are 18 years old" I don't know if I should feel glad that I act so young or appauled and shoud grow up.
Sorry Ian was sick. You never know what to do with kids. Even when you are a nurse. So don't feel alone.
I took the test, and it said I was 26, right on the mark, so don't worry, I don't act 30 something.
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