
Monday, April 11, 2011

I know you were all wondering where milk came from…..

Life here is never boring.


Joie said...

That is possibly the most hilarious thing I have ever seen! It's like a never ending mad lib at your house! Not just cut little Ian either, but all three of them in that video sound like they make life worth living!

Wish upon a Starr said...

That is too cute!! Lets hope the milk goes through a serious cleaning process if that is where is it comes from. Good times!!

Katherine Vincent said...

That was great I hope you do more of those. Your kiddo's are just darling.

Georgene said...

And that's why I don't like milk!

Telly C. said...

How did he know... I LOVE THE MILK THAT COMES FROM RICE AND POTATOES! Not so much the kind that comes from the cow's hiney, haven't tried that one yet. Lol, very cute.