I absolutely love living in the country. You can tell when spring arrives out here because there are babies all around. Grandpa's cow had twins this week, the boys love them. We have to go up everyday, sometimes twice to say hi.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Posted by
9:13 AM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Things I want to remember
I realized the other day how quickly I forget the small and simple things that I absolutely love.... So this is for my and Ian's sake. :) So all of you who don't want to read can skip to the oooh so squishable cheeks picture. ;)
Things I want to remember about my little Ian at this age.
Whenever you see any kind of bug you get so excited, clasp your hands and say, buggy, buggy.
You call anything you can drink a cuppa, you say it over and over again when you want something to drink. "Cuppa, cuppa, cuppa."
You love music, you love to sing, dance. You try to copy everything your brother, and I do. You are so tenderhearted, and get your feelings hurt so easy.
You are full of mischief. You do things after I tell you no no just to watch my reaction..... oooh you little raccoon! :)
You still love to cuddle, I call you my little cuddle monkey, and you love kisses.
I rarely get an unposed picture of you because every time I pull the camera out you say "cheese..." About two months ago you just decided you were going to talk and since then you will say anything and everything. A few more of the words you say that I love, Kiko (Piko), Mommy (I know this is a word that you learned a long time ago, but it is all in the way you say it. You get so excited, "Mommy!" It melts my heart. Oooh I love you soooo much!
Posted by
8:42 PM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Boys will be boys
I love being the mother of boys. I understand why little girls love pink, dresses, fairy tales, sparkles etc. That is because I love all of that as well :) I have to admit though I have no idea why boys are fascinated with trucks, bugs, sci-fi, super heroes etc. That is though, the reason why I love being their mother. I love watching their reactions to something that I am totally stumped over. Here is a picture of one of Easton's true loves.
Posted by
4:12 PM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I don't know why but I have deleted what I had written several times now... Everything just sounds cheesy when I read it back to myself.
We went for a walk tonight because it was so warm outside. I really hope it stays that way.
Yesterday Court's little sister got married. It was so amazing to be there in the temple with them. You could feel the spirit so strong. I have a hard time with change though, so while I was so excited for them to be getting married, I was also so sad.... I kept thinking she won't be there in Diane's house anymore. I know it will only take like a day for it to feel "normal" again. I snapped a few pictures after they were married, here is one of my favorites.... I laugh every time I see it.
Ryan took his coat off so that he could swing Deedra around for one of the pictures. His arms are so big that the jacket was hard for him to get back on, so he was swinging his arms and moving them all funny trying to get it right... lol!
We love you Deedra and Ryan, Congratulations!!
Posted by
8:09 PM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
I absolutely love Easter! I love the time of year, the colors, celebrating Christ, and his Resurrection. I love getting together with family, everything. We have had such an amazing Easter this year, and still more to come. Here are a few, okay more than a few pictures of our celebrations this year.
Friday we went to Nikki's house, and dyed Easter eggs. We had so much fun.

Yesterday, we had the Simmons Family Easter party. Each of the boys got a Speedracer helmet.

Today when they woke up and found out the Easter Bunny had come, Easton said "again at our house?" It was so cute.... I bet he will be really confused and excited later when Grandma Georgene has a little hunt for them at her house.
This is what the Easter Bunny left them.

Posted by
9:18 AM
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The kitty bit me....
Someone dropped a cat off, and it has "adopted" us.... Easton just loves it, and named it Yoda. He is really obsessed with Star Wars right now. :) Well today it bit him, I think it must have smelled the candy he was eating on his fingers, or was just playing because it is such a loving little cat...... Here are a few pictures to break your heart.
Posted by
10:22 PM
Thursday, April 2, 2009
And we interupt this blog....
For a commercial break... :)
We are selling our camper. It is a 2005 32' Crossroads Zinger. It is a really unique model, court and I had to search for one like it for a while. It has a master bedroom at the front of the camper, a huge slide out in the middle with a table, and couch (that both turn into beds) kitchen, bathroom with shower and tub, and four bunks in the back bedroom. It is in great shape, here are some pictures:

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4:57 PM