What a little angel of mine, he is so dang cute!! He just smiled and smiled for me, while I just snapped away :) I am so blessed, I have the cutest, and sweetest boys ever!! With that said, I better start by saying we had a very good Christmas, we are so blessed! We really tried to do some things to feel the true meaning of Christmas. One of my New Years resolutions, is to try and keep the spirit of giving throughout the year, because it helped us so much, and was so much fun. Santa did come too, and Easton got a remote control train, buzz light year etc. Ian got a tummy time mat, some clothes, etc. I can't even tell you how Courtney spoiled me, I got the cutest, and most comfortable boots ever, some really nice bowls, clothes etc. I got Courtney an Ipod, some clothes etc. We trully are blessed! It is pretty late right now, but I was determined to get a blog in, so it will be really short, I really wanted to get those cute pictures of Ian on here :) And then show you my new hairstyle, it looked so good they put it on the cover of Instyle... ha ha.....

What a cutie! It's about time you updated your blog! I was starting to worry. Also LOVE the magazine cover - did you do that in photoshop? I also know how to remove the white border from around your pictures - you'll need to edit it in the HTML. I'm off to bed right now, though, so I'll send instructions later.
For any of you who want to try on some celebrity hair styles, you can go to instyle.com it is pretty funny, court and I got a good laugh out of it :)
Oh my freaking crap Ian so dang cute. Love the pictures.
The pictures of Ian are SOOOO cute. Both of your boys are adorable. Do you have Easton in a preschool, by the way??? I am trying to get together a group for "preschool" at home for McKay. Playgroup, more or less but with a short lesson once a week. Let me know...
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog, that was so nice of you!! And thank you so much for the compliment on my photos, from the looks of it, I could learn alot from you! These photos are goregous, I love angel pictures! I dont mind a bit that you check out my blogs, its an honor, just comment so I know to say "Hi" :)
Oh, love your new valentine's layout! SO CUTE! I have Harli in bed with me right now and was showing her Ian's cute pictures. I told her that it was her cousin Ian and she said clear as day "baby, Ian". It was so cute. She's starting to talk more and more, but usually I can't understand much of what she's saying. She loves babies. Oh, haha - I just asked her if she could say Easton and she said "Ian-ts-net". Close enough.
I love the new Valentines look. YOu need to come over and show me how you do it. Thanks for coming over for dinner the other night. I love your boys and I also love you. You rock ;)
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