Okay, so I just have to start by saying that I am officially addicted to blogging! I know, I know, you can tell that I am not that good at posting, I would much rather read what all of you have been up to!! But my most favorite part about blogging, is redoing the layout.... I love photoshop, and already have a few different new header's built for upcoming events etc. I know, I am a nerd... I have to refrain from changing mine all the time, I swear I would change it once a week if you all wouldn't think I was obsessed ;). (I have to say Stephanie is a lot better at making them than I am, I am definitely amateur, but I love it!!) Thanks again steph for helping me learn a little html, you are amazing!!! Last night I got the opportunity to go to 27 Dresses, and P.S. I Love You, I have to say that the latter was my favorite! It made you laugh, then seconds later you would be crying. I don't know how they worked it all out so perfectly, but it worked! I hardly ever get out to go to movies, Court is more the movie going buff in our family, but I am so glad that I got to go. Thanks again Janice for inviting me. Janice and I were talking about how both of us are a little obsessed with our husbands dying, I just truly do not know what I would do without Courtney! I am sorry to tell all of you out there, but I definitely ended up with the best husband ever! Hands down! He is so patient, will always say sorry, even when it probably was my fault (okay so I know it was my fault). He makes me laugh all of the time, he is sweet, spiritual, will watch any chick flick with me (he was raised with five little sisters, they broke him in really good.... Thanks again gals!) He spoils me rotten, I could go on and on....really I have no idea how I was so blessed to end up married to him. That I think is why I think about him dying sometimes, and it makes me sick, that old saying "only the good die young....." well I really hope it isn't true, because Court should have been gone along time ago, and I will be alive forever, sorry guys... You will have to keep putting up with me ;) I just know though, if Court were to die, I would never ever, ever be able to find anyone that would even come close to how good of a husband, and father that he is! So while watching P.S. I Love You, I just kept picturing Court, wow it was a tear jerker.... if you haven't seen it, you should! I love you so much hottie, and thank you to all of you gals for such a great girls night.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Posted by
7:07 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Country Boys
Okay, so I am going to post about Easton again, (he is a lot more interesting than I am,) and he does the cutest things. I am the worst at blogging, I look at all of yours, and you are so good at keeping them up to date, with cute pictures etc. I also feel like my life is definitely not as interesting as all of yours, so like I said here is another post about one of the two cutest boys in the world, (the other one being Ian, of COURSE :) ) I was sitting on the recliner, feeding Ian, when I looked over to see what was making so much noise, Easton had Courtney's cordless screwdriver, and was setting his little matchbox car on top of it, and then was turning it on. It was so funny, the car actually stayed on it, and spun around. As I am blogging about this, it doesn't seem quite as funny as it was, but I promise it was way cute. Okay so I actually figured out how to fix the movie of him doing it, I videoed it sideways on accident, so here it is :) Okay never mind, dang, it is having errors, so I will try again later. So in place of the video of Easton, here is a really funny video that Court sent to me earlier, I hope it gives you all a good laugh. Nikki and I were talking about laughter the other day, (actually we were talking about this really cute girl who laughs all the time) and I said "well you know laughter is the number one cure of cancer!" It was so funny because for a second she totally believed me, I love teasing people. So I hope watching this helps cure you from whatever you are suffering from, cold, pneumonia, flu etc...... ;)
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9:27 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Boys will be boys :)

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8:43 PM
Saturday, January 5, 2008
What an Angel

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11:11 PM