Yesterday was Ian's second birthday... I threw up all morning, so Court called his mom to see if we could have the party up at their house. Thank you so much Diane for taking over, cooking the cake, and letting us have the party up there. I felt terrible for being sick on his birthday... Delsi and Court took pictures with my camera for me, thank you!
A few things I want to remember about you....
Last week I got you to say I love for the first time... It melted my heart. I said love you Ian... You said "Lelloo"
You get scared so easy, and run to me or daddy to hide in our arms.
You try to copy Easton on everything.
You look so much like your daddy, I love it!
You give the best loves.
I wish I could keep you little forever.... Please never grow up...
You call Easton brother... "Braaaa" I love it, I hope you are best friends forever!
Here is a picture from yesterday that Delsi took of Ian blowing out his candles, thanks again Delsi!

Then about three in the morning this morning, Wolverine, formerly known as Yoda, (Easton changed her name because "he can pop his claws out mom.") had her kittens! Six of them. Three black, and three "stripey". They are so cute, and we are so glad to finally have them here.