Here are some pictures of our log house. I am so excited to see it going up, and Court hopes to have all of the log walls up, and the trusses up by next weekend.

I can't even believe how much work it takes, and how hard he works everyday. (I can't even lift one side of a full log, and he lifts them by himself and carries them on his shoulder) He is up everyday at five thirty to go to work, comes home from work, works till dark at the house, and then finishes off the day working on his home businesses. I don't know how he finds the energy, but I am so grateful that he does!
We went over to our good friends Ryan and Janna's house last night, and played their wii with them. They have a game called kabookii (sp?) it is made by the people who made cranium, it was a lot of fun! Then we decided to try out the boxing. Oh man am I sore, my arms and back ache. Their daughter's name is AshLeigh, and she is about a year older than Easton, don't tell him I told you, but he has the biggest crush on her. I never thought Easton would be the kind of little boy to have a crush, because he is such a boy!! Oh no though, the other day we were in the car, and here was our conversation..
Easton: Mom, AshLeigh is funny.
Me: Ya, she is funny...
Easton: (Kind of shy like) She is kind of cute!
Me: Yes she is a cute girl, huh....? (It caught me so by surprise)!!
I wanted to laugh, but also didn't want to make to big of deal of it. I just thought boys were supposed to think girls had cooties till they were like at least twelve... me hopeful thinking at least twenty eight ;)

Easton Roo, you are my little Hero, you have the spirit of a twenty year old all squished into a little body. You have so much spunk, spirit, energy, life, but you so easily forgive. You can be a little firecracker, but at the next minute you are tackling me for a love and kiss. When I hurt your feelings, or discipline you and see your little bottom lip poke out, it breaks my heart. I hope you always know how much I love you!! You are such a good example to me!