So you know those days where they couldn’t be any more perfect, well yesterday was one of them! We got up, got Easton off to school, then Ian and I started getting ready for the day. Our friend Tawnya was coming over with her daughter Lauren for a play date. When I answered the door she had the most beautiful cake in her hands,

I thought she had brought some of Lauren’s birthday cake to share, but she said this is for Kelsi’s birthday. I can’t even tell you how shocked I was, this is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me!! I hadn’t told her it was her birthday, she had remembered from my post last year.

Ian said a pony cake! Can you tell how excited Easton was when he got home and saw it? Easton said that is the prettiest cake I have ever seen. Later when I went to Vernal, I showed Court the pictures, and he repeated Easton’s line. Tawnya you are one of the sweetest, most talented, thoughtful, beautiful woman I have ever met! Thank you, thank you, thank you! She stayed and visited for a few hours, it was so nice.
Later we went over to Vernal to release seven balloons at the cemetery, before I post pictures, I have to tell you I am so embarrassed of these pictures. Before I got out, I changed lenses, set all my settings, and got it all set up, then I was for some reason so nervous about getting the balloons before they blew away that I seriously made the most stupid embarrassing mistake and forgot to watch my shutter speed, I overexposed all of them! I have worked and worked with them, when I say they were overexposed, I’m not meaning the good amount, I’m talking they were almost completely white. So even though I am completely embarrassed, I want to document this beautiful day and all that we did.
It was so cold, the kids were freezing, but they still had fun “sending the balloons to heaven.”

In the picture below you can barely see a balloon floating up above the branches, middle right.

After that, we went grocery shopping, then came home. I got two letters in the mail, one from my sister Stephanie who had sent me some pink makeup brushes, double perfect, pink and makeup brushes! Then one for jury duty… lol. I know that bothers a lot of people, but I won’t mind if I am picked. I really like learning and seeing new things, so it would be really interesting.
Nikki Andru and Lexi came over, and we finished the day off with cake and ice cream. What a perfect ending to a perfect day!
Happy Seventh Birthday our perfect little angel Kelsi!