Yesterday was a little bit of a rough day for me. Like most mothers, or women I worry what other's think way to much. Court is constantly telling me "just don't worry about it. Who cares what they think..."
Someone did something that really hurt my feelings. The worst part was, I am sure they were trying to do just that. The old saying kept coming to mind, but I can't remember how it goes.. something about being a fool if you get offended, but it is a bigger fool that gets offended when someone is trying to offend... or something like that. I kept thinking about that, telling myself I was a fool if I let it get to me. But the truth is her comment really hurt. I couldn't go to sleep I kept thinking man I wish I was a guy and could really just put it out of my mind. After sitting there for an hour, I got a feeling to open up the yw personal progress book. The first thing I saw, was a beautiful picture of the savior, with this scripture below it.
Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him. (Moroni 10:32)
I can't tell you how hard it struck me, that if I could just turn to my Savior, I would be able to let it go. Not only that but I would be able to let my feelings of inadequacy go. I could be perfected. I turned two more pages, and this is what I read:
You are a beloved daughter of Heavenly Father, prepared to come to the earth at this particular time for a sacred and glorious purpose. You have the noble calling to use your strength and influence for good. Your loving Heavenly Father has blessed you with talents and abilities that will help you fulfill your divine mission. Through personal prayer, scripture study, obedience to the commandments, and service to others, you can develop these gifts.
Use your influence to lift and bless your family, other young women, and the young men with whom you associate. Honor womanhood, support the priesthood, and treasure faithful motherhood and fatherhood.
As you participate in Personal Progress, you join with thousands of other young women who are striving to come unto Christ and “stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Mosiah 18:9). Counsel with your parents, and prayerfully choose goals that will help you cultivate feminine virtues, grow spiritually, and reach your divine potential. Take advantage of your time in Young Women by preparing to receive the sacred ordinances of the temple, to be a faithful wife and mother, and to strengthen the home and family.
The First Presidency
I want to thank my Heavenly Father for the amazing experience I had last night! And for how it changed me. I think one of the things that I was struggling with most was answered in these three sentences :
Your loving Heavenly Father has blessed you with talents and abilities that will help you fulfill your divine mission. Through personal prayer, scripture study, obedience to the commandments, and service to others, you can develop these gifts. Use your influence to lift and bless your family, other young women, and the young men with whom you associate.
While reading this I realized that this was for me, and for every other women. I think that really is what changed me, I need to not belittle or be jealous of other's success'. I have a purpose, and they have a purpose, each divine. Each with our own talents and abilities unique and tailored for us.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Posted by
9:24 AM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Deedra & Ryan
Court's little sister Deedra is getting married in a month, and asked me to take engagement pictures for them. We had so much fun, here is one of my favorites.
If you want to see more, you can hop on over to my picture blog.
Posted by
7:18 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I wanted to show you these pictures that I took the other day, because it shows just how different my two boys are.
We were laughing so hard when we looked at them, because everyone of Easton's he was glaring at me, so annoyed that I wanted to take a picture of him in this hat.
Here is Ian my little people pleas er, even though he doesn't want the hat on he takes the time to stop and smile for the camera.
Posted by
9:32 AM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Yee Haa
Yeah!! We got our kitchen installed yesterday!!
Are you ready for this?
Can you tell I am so ready for this!!
Here are a few of the floor.... (before it got sawdust all over it from the cabinet install)
And here is the moment of the great unveiling....
I love my long handles!
This is Court's friend Randy, who came over to see.
I am so ecstatic!! How amazing it feels to almost have a house!
I also had to post a few pictures of Easton from the other day. I wanted to go out and take pictures while it was so warm. I bribed him with a treat to let me take pictures.... Well we went outside, and he wasn't very happy about it. He kept flying his airplane in front of his face and holding it there, but I have to say I love the way the pictures turned out....
Posted by
6:06 PM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Quick Update
I haven't had much time to blog lately, but I wanted to stop and give a quick update. I finished staining our cement this weekend, and applied the last coat of epoxy to it yesterday, yeah!! If all goes well, and it dries quick enough they will come install our cabinets on Friday. Our carpet is set to be installed on March 23rd, and trim or no trim, faucets or no faucets, we will be moving in on the 24th. lol. I can't wait!! My mom is coming over to watch my kids today, and I will start cleaning up the huge mess upstairs that the drywallers left. I should take pictures of it, I can't believe all the dust, mud, boxes, sodas etc. So if anyone is feeling bored you know where to come... ;)
Easton is loving preschool, he has made new friends, and is learning so much. It has helped so much, and he is now letting me work with him at home. (Big thanks to his teachers right here, they are awesome!)
Ian is such a little raccoon, getting into everything. He is such a mischievous little man, but then such a cuddly boy too. I love that he gives me a million kisses a day! I am afraid he is going to go through with drawls when we move into our own house, he loves living with Deedee, Neise, Papa, and Gama. (How he says their names)
I will post some pictures once we get the kitchen all in....
Posted by
11:45 AM